Monster Invasion

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An Event for Individual Supplies

  • Location: Prontera (156,147)
  • Cooldown: 7 Days
  • Clearing time: 120 minutes
  • Schedule: Daily every 2:30 PM and 10:30 PM.

A portal will open in Prontera where players can enter. There will be 60 monsters that will be spawned in a small map. The goal is to kill as many monsters to maximize the Monster Coin that you can acquire.
Each monster will drop 1 Monster Coin.
Note that only normal attack is allowed inside the map.

NPC Shop Location

Located at Payon Headquarters and NPCs

Monster Coin Shop

Item Description Monster Coin
Blessing Scroll 10pc Box

A box containing 10 Blessing Scrolls. (Lvl 10 Blessing)

20 Monster Coins

Increase AGI Scroll 10pc Box

A box containing 10 Agi Scrolls. (Lvl 10 Increase AGI)

20 Monster Coins

Elite Siege Supply Box

A box containing 100 Siege White Potions and 50 Siege Blue Potions.
Siege White Potion - Heals 400~500 Hit Point. HP Affected by Regeneration Potion.
Siege Blue Potion - Restores 50-70 SP.

10 Monster Coins

Acid Bomb Box (30)

A box with 30 Fire Bottles and 30 Acid Bottles inside

15 Monster Coins

Yellow Gem Box (35)

A box containing 35 Yellow Gemstones. Items inside are account bound

15 Monster Coins

Greed Scroll 50pc Box

A box containing 50 Greed Scrolls, which each enable a single cast of Greed.
This scroll has the same restrictions as the normal casting of Greed; some maps do not allow Greed to be used.

15 Monster Coins

HE Bubble Gum

A High Efficiency bubble gum that packs double the punch.
Item drop rate increases by 200% for 15 minutes.

15 Monster Coins

HE Battle Manual

This well written, detailed manual explains High Efficiency battle methods.
EXP rate increases to 200% for 15 minutes.

15 Monster Coins

Job Battle Manual

This well written, detailed manual explains effective battle methods. This item is account bound.
Job EXP rate increases to 150% for 30 minutes.
This bonus stacks with VIP and Battle Manuals to give an additional job bonus.

15 Monster Coins

Aspersio Scroll 10pc Box

A box containing 20 Aspersio Scrolls. (Lvl 5 Aspersio)

25 Monster Coins